Friday, 7 May 2021

The Kirkstone Pass and Caldbeck Adventure!

I can't remember now whether we didn't go walking on this particular day due to us being tired, Finn being a bit grumpy, or just because the weather was atrocious!   The whole day started off as a bit of a disaster - the views were non existent as we drove over the pass, and then we got very nearly to the end of a (very long) drive, when there was a crash/ road works/ obstruction (again, it was so long ago, that I have totally forgotten!) that we had to turn around and go back the way we'd come.   How we didn't just give up and go back to the caravan is beyond me!

The aim of our trip was to visit the Wool Clip, a yarny cooperative in Caldbeck, which Amanda had been following on social media.   Caldbeck is a beautiful, but tiny, village, which it took some concentration to try and find!   We weren't at all disappointed, and we did chuckle long and hard about the journey there - but only after a short duration of time.  At the time, it was frustrating and annoying!

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Seeds and Stuff - March 2021

 With my time working from home coming to an end, Tom very kindly put the gate in the outhouse to keep Domino out while I was away from the house.  It has been absolutely pointless because Domino can break in to steal the flowerpots, but can't get back out again.  So when I'm not in the house, the gate is left open so he doesn't get stuck!

Domino of course has been helping me a lot in the garden!   Mainly by digging everything up and freeing spots for me to plant more stuff!

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Odds and Sods - March 2021

 Obviously, life now totally revolves around Domino, as evidenced by all the photos I take!

And he's such a little poser, that he gladly sits for the camera, occasionally getting a bit fed up and lunging at the camera to try and eat it.

With lockdown still ongoing, there haven't been too many opportunities to get out and about.

As Domino had his second lot of jabs, we were allowed to go out and about a bit further from home.

In other news ..... !  I've been doing a lot of knitting and crocheting, both for me and others.  I'm finding more comfort in being creative as lockdown continues.