Monday 30 October 2023

Friday 20 October 2023

Odds and Sods - February 2022


Looking back on these now, I can't believe how puppy-like Domino looks in these photos, bless him.

Monday 16 October 2023

Play Date!

 Domino and I do love a play date!   This one was with Rosie, my colleague Syd's beautiful - and very well camouflaged in all the autumn leaves - dog, at Bacton Woods.  Domino was pretty good and not too annoying, which is always a bonus!

Friday 13 October 2023

Monthly Makes

 I definitely made twelve garments for me in 2021, but can only find photos of ten!   I set myself a challenge to make an item a month for 2021, which meant that hardly any birthday or Christmas presents were made for anyone, and some items went right up to the wire!

Monday 9 October 2023

Sheringham and Ruby

 On New Year's Day of 2022, Amanda, Domino and I headed off to Sheringham - we were actually hoping to go to Bacton, but all car parks were full, and so were pretty much every car park along the north Norfolk coast right up to Sheringham!   (And, in fact, we ended up parking in a supermarket car park as all the public ones were full too.  Crazy!)

After a lovely run on the beach and a paddle, we headed off to see Rat and Pam, and Ruby.  So lovely to have a chilled out day and watch Domino and Ruby torment each other for our entertainment!