Friday 24 November 2023

Floral Blanket

 Jamieson and Smith 2 ply jumper weight really lends itself to these lovely muted heathery floral squares, intended to make a blanket for my Mum's Christmas present in 2022.  I got the squares - 64 of them - all knitted up in the nick of time, but am ashamed to say that eleven months later, it's still not sewn up!   Must try harder!

Friday 17 November 2023

Storm Eunice

 Nowadays, we seem to have named storms every week, but back in February 2022, we had the mother of all storms - Eunice!   To be fair, I hadn't really paid much attention to all the forecasts and I couldn't understand why people were asking me if I was REALLY going down to the caravan this particular weekend.   It became evident while I was there.   Pretty much all weekend, we just hunkered down and tried to stay safe - all the BBC news teams were down at Severn Beach reporting on the devastation.   Apart from the awning - see above! - the only real damage we had was to the TV aerial, which necessitated a visit to Andy's work compound to forage for scaffold poles to effect a makeshift repair.   And while we were there, Andy headed to the canteen to make us some sausage sandwiches!   All very exciting, but hopefully not to be repeated any time soon.

Monday 13 November 2023

Textile Treasures

 Normally when I go to a quilting exhibition, I have to drive miles.  But Textile Treasures was hosted at Norwich Castle Museum so I could walk from my home!