Monday 24 June 2024

Seeds and Stuff - July 2022

 This seems to be the only photo I've saved in my Seeds and Stuff folder for July 2022.  I'm assuming due to the extreme heat, everything had died - from the photo above, the lilies are looking distinctly charred!

Friday 21 June 2024

Odds and Sods - July 2022

 July 2022 was all about trying to keep cool - luckily, my employer was very kind and let me work from home for a lot of it.  Those of us who had animals were allowed to work from home so that we can look after our pets and keep them cool and hydrated.   Pretty forward-thinking in my opinion.

Monday 17 June 2024

Worstead Weavers


Back in June 2022, Shannon and I spent a lovely day in Dilham for an open day hosted by the Worstead Weavers and spent a few hours in the sunshine wandering around, oohing and aahing over the animals, and I spent some time on one of the looms.   Life goals!

And it wouldn't be a day out with Shannon if a cream tea wasn't involved!

Monday 10 June 2024

Holiday at Home

 Back in June 2022, my little man was finally "done" - I'd waited eighteen months, but it was the fair thing to do.   Domino was just a wee bit TOO interested in the lady dogs over the park and the marshes!  So I took a couple of weeks off work just to be around for him, and I really enjoyed my staycation at home.  I had friends over for dinner, and generally chilled out, spending time in the garden, knitting, reading.   Domino, of course, was absolutely fine!