Wednesday 10 January 2024

Hunstanton - March 2022

Hunstanton seems to be one of our "go to" places when Mum and I want a jolly - I'm not sure if it's the scenery, the shops or the fish and chips that swing it for us!

Monday 8 January 2024

Launceston - March 2022

Following our walk on the coast path, Domino and I headed to Launceston for a bit of retail therapy and a spot of lunch.  I assumed Amanda was having such a lovely time on her own, that she wouldn't want us to bother her too soon!

Domino loves a nap in the car, so he was very happy to have a doze while I wandered around.  Amazingly, this was my first ever visit to Launceston, given how many times I've been to Cornwall over the years!

Friday 5 January 2024

Tintagel to Trebarwith Coastal Path - March 2022

 To give Amanda some well-deserved peace and quiet, I took Domino out to walk some of the nearby coast path one day.  With some trepidation, I have to admit, as I wasn't sure of his ability to stick to a path without charging over the edge of the cliff.  It soon became apparent that he took to it really easily and we didn't have any incidents at all.   What a little star!