Friday, 24 February 2017

Folksy Sale #15

I'm always really surprised when anyone buys anything on Folksy, because I forget about the things I've made once I've photographed them and listed them.  They then get put in plastic bags and popped up in the loft in the plastic crates, sometimes never to be seen again!

This is actually a shawl, but I didn't get a very good photo of the whole thing, which is a shame.  Still, someone has a very lovely Christmas present!

Monday, 20 February 2017

Christmas 2016

I know that 25 December is set in stone as Christmas Day all over the world, but we Longs don't really do rules, so this year, we had our Christmas Day on Boxing Day, the first day we could all get together.  We didn't miss out on anything as we still had Christmas dinner on 25 December, and had bubble and squeak on 26 December, but with the added bonus of presents too.  Lots of them!
We had all the usual shenanigans and bickering, but lots of laughing and a bit of dancing.  And Boney M.  Always Boney M!
And despite Dad insisting we rattle through it quicker this year, it still took about three hours to open everything!

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Christmas Eve at East Runton

Clearly, the good citizens of north Norfolk were still shopping on Christmas Eve as Amanda and I, Sid and Finn had the beach at East Runton practically to ourselves.  This isn't unusual - we have often been there and seen hardly anyone else, but I did think as it was such a beautiful day, and Christmas Eve to boot, that holiday makers would all be at the beach.  Wrong!  Good for us though as we had the whole place to ourselves.
I love this photo of Sid, so handsome!
Sid was skipping across the beach - lovely to see!
While it was beautifully bright, it was also quite cold.  Rat and Pam had invited us to theirs for coffee after our walk, so we left Sid in the car, and left Finn in the garden, while we drank coffee, and ate stollen and mince pies.  Lots of them.  In my case anyway!  In the meantime, Finn and Buddy had a Mexican standoff through the French windows which kept us entertained for ages.
Lovely lovely day - and fabulous festive feeling!