Monday 18 February 2019

Made or Grown - January 2019

In most of my made or grown posts up to now, I've been berating myself because I've been less than perfect with this.  However, this month, I have fourteen photos to show of made or grown, but I know I've actually been wearing my own clothes much more, but haven't always got photos.  Either because I forget, or because I'm a bit fed up of seeing photos of me wearing the same things!   So, I think I can safely say that I'm on track, but just don't have the photographic evidence.   Hey ho.   The photos I do have follow:

2 January 2019 - I was so pleased that I got this finished over Christmas - this is my Kirkstone Pass jumper, so called as it reminds me of the autumn colours seen in my Cumbrian adventure.

3 January 2019 - my snowflake jumper.  (So much for dry January, eh?!)
4 January 2019 - mulled wine to keep me warm, following a draughty outing to the Diss auction houses with Andy.

7 January 2019 - ah, now, this shouldn't be here as I didn't make it - this is my Loops cardigan/ cowl/ scarf made by Amanda for me for Christmas.

10 January 2019 - my old faithful feather and fan cardigan.

11 January 2019 - I clearly had a day in the house as I wouldn't wear these trousers outside in the winter - they're more summer clobber.

12 January 2019 - one of my asymmetrical ponchos, which reminds me that I really need to sew up my other two!

16 January 2019 - Andy bought me mill membership to the John Arbon Textile Mill for Christmas and I got a couple of skeins of wool - it's so soft! - as part of my membership package, so I made myself a neck warmer.

22 January 2019 - snowflake jumper again.

23 January 2019 - another asymmetrical poncho.

24 January 2019 - I'm so proud of this fair isle hat - the first proper fair isle I've done in years and on circular needles!!

26 January 2019 - I've worn the hat so much!  This is on a west country walk with Andy and Finn.

29 January 2019 - and here it is again!

30 January 2019 - I don't often wear this thin lace scarf, but I really think I need to wear it more.

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