Wednesday 17 June 2020

Odds and Sods - May 2020

The world started to open up a little bit again in May, compared to the very small contained world of April.  We were allowed to go out a bit more and our daily exercise wasn't limited to just one trip out a day, we could go and exercise outside as much as we wanted.  We could start to meet up with people as long as we were outside and observing social distance.  It felt much more hopeful and cheerful.

Finn and I have still been able to go out for our evening walks - the temperature has been very hot or very muggy so we tend to go out in the evenings when it's a bit cooler.

Finn has been such a lovely companion now that I'm spending so much more time at home, although I'm sure he wishes I'd go out a bit more and leave him alone!

I've finally got my hands on some flour - it's been in such short supply during the lockdown - so I've been doing quite a bit of baking, and as a consequence I've put on half a stone over the past twelve weeks!  My alcohol consumption has also increased.

I'm being very resourceful by using things I already have - which is also saving me money - and I found this vintage wool in the loft so have made Dad a waistcoat for his birthday.   I still need to sew it up, but the knitting is all done.

Towards the end of May, we were allowed to start seeing people again, and, as I was so desperate to see the sea, I had a jolly up to Rat and Pam's in Sheringham with a lovely beach walk.

Still desperate for a haircut though!

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