Monday, 24 August 2020


Two years ago (two years ago! I'm excelling myself at keeping this up to date!) I met my oldest friend Mary in Exeter when she was on a flying visit back to the UK from Dubai, checking out universities for her boys, Charlie and Harry.   In eighteen years, we'd seen each other twice - once when Andy and I visited Mary and Nigel in Dubai, and once when Mary came back to the UK to visit her Mum and Dad.   With dear friends, though, it really doesn't matter that you don't see each other that often, as social media and email have made the world so much smaller - and Mary and I were not lost for words when we met up!

I arranged with Amanda that she would have Finn for the weekend, and Andy was away, so I stayed at the caravan for a couple of days and drove down to Exeter to meet the Thomases.   It's only a ninety minute drive from the caravan so very quick and easy to get to, and warrants further exploration at some point in the future.

I'm ashamed to say that I haven't seen Mary since she and Nigel moved back to the UK - something I hope to remedy very soon.

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