Sunday 3 July 2022

Wretham Lodge

One Sunday back in April 2019, Mum and I visited Wretham Lodge as part of the National Gardens' Scheme.  This takes place every year and thousands of privately owned gardens in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are opened up once or twice a year, for visitors to come and have a wander around, and usually have coffee and cake!   There is sometimes the opportunity to buy the odd plant too.  What's not to love?  The proceeds of these garden visits go to the NGS which divvies up the monies for various charities, but mainly for nursing and medical charities.

It was a beautiful spring morning but quite fresh so, cleverly, the organisers didn't provide coffee and cake themselves - normally this is done outside in the grounds somewhere - but had commandeered Wretham church where we could all sit indoors in the relative warmth, and, as an extra bonus, they'd even put on a book sale.  This had actually turned out to be the perfect day!

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