Saturday 18 March 2023

Odds and Sods - July 2021

July 2021 was a tricky month - Dad had been getting more poorly and ended up in hospital again - we had planned a birthday party for him and his care home had very kindly agreed to let us all in to see him - masks on of course due to Covid.   And the home had even made him a birthday cake which was so kind of them.  However, on the morning of Dad's birthday - 4 July - Dad had another fall and sustained a head injury, which meant a trip and a stay in hospital, and we couldn't see him.   We raised a cup of tea to him and had his birthday lunch at Mum's and supported each other.

Other than that, it was a very quiet month - just endless drives over to Swaffham to see Dad, and to North Elmham, to support Mum.   Consequently very few photos were taken in July - hardly surprisingly.

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