Friday 22 March 2024

Cornwall Cardigan

 This cardigan was a new enterprise for me - a top down all in one with no seams!   And I absolutely loved it - in fact, I've made three different iterations of it since.   

This one was started while on holiday at Widemouth Bay with Amanda - the reason being that Amanda is a genius at new techniques and I needed some tech support on hand in case I got stuck - and actually I didn't.  The pattern - Yorlin by Kate Davies - was so beautifully and clearly written, that it was very straightforward. 

The purple main colour was a charity shop find and the bands and ribs were knitted in Blue Fern Yarns' Ink on yak.  The buttons were bought at a lovely little wool shop in Launceston while on holiday.   

So pleased with this and it's had a LOT of wear since!

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