Wednesday 18 December 2013

Craft fairs

We haven't done any craft fairs for a couple of years now - I can't even remember why not, because actually I've really enjoyed the three we have done this year!  
The first that we did was back in November in Wymondham and we used it almost as a dress rehearsal for the two upcoming fairs in Norwich.  And we did surprisingly well!   We had some lovely supporters turn up too - Carol, Rachel and Shirley and some of Amanda's work colleagues also.   The fair itself wasn't very well organised as the stalls were all spread out too much and there wasn't much "soul".   However, it was a great practice run and we learnt quite a lot.
The second fair - the Norwich Makers' Emporium - was lovely - a pretty little church hall where we were all more squished in and so we could chat with the other stall holders and I've now got HUNDREDS of ideas of new things I want to do!   We spent most of our takings at the cake stall opposite which wasn't quite the plan either!  
By the time of the last fair - the Norwich Makers' Market - we were dab hands at organising and dressing our stall and it looked fab.   Even if I do say so myself!   We didn't speak so much to the other stall holders - despite being squished in a lot with them! - because we were too busy selling.  Goodness me, we did well!   Again, we had some lovely supporters come and see us - Elle, Jonathan and another couple of Amanda's colleagues.   And it was a really lovely atmosphere - lots of Christmas music and the stalls were definitely more festive at this fair. 

I really hope that Amanda and Shannon want to do some more fairs next year - I certainly don't want to leave it a couple of years to the next one!

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