Friday 20 December 2013

Ninnies - December 2013

I haven't managed to type up blog posts for most of the Knitters with Attitude meetings this year because, apart from making very little sense, the group members' collective sense of humour is particularly filthy and would cause offence to the most liberal minded of readers.   And in fact, this post will have to be heavily edited to pass censorship laws! 

This meeting was held at Mo's and we had a fab time as usual - lovely food, wine, sherry, laughter, friends - and the added bonus of Christmas presents!  Michele proposed a motion a few meetings back that we have a Secret Santa for the group, where we all had to make something.  Imagine!  We had to make and, more importantly, FINISH something!  

So, we had eight very different projects and we should all be congratulated on our inventiveness, I think.   We had a wool covered bottle vase; a scarf and lacy gloves; a beautiful tissue box cover; a gorgeous little tea light holder; a fabulously intricate crochet table centre; crochet slippers; knitted slipper socks and a cock in a pot!   There's always SOMEONE who has to lower the tone!   Actually, this turned out to be the star turn and I think we've all put in our orders for one in the new year.
We had the usual madness and mayhem after food - I'm not even sure that we have any e-numbers with our food, we just always seem to have a massive sugar rush?   Some of us ended up in the loft, some of us went and camped out in Mo's laundrette and, at one point, ALL of us were contemplating having a barn dance in Mo's enormous bathroom!  

And, as for the conversation ..... well, topics included genital warts; beef stew; desk cocks; knitted phalluses that fit inside each other like Russian dolls; Priscilla Queen of the Desert; and that Elle will never look like a dancer, or, indeed, a man!   See, I told you it made no sense!

Our next meeting should fall on New Year's Day, so I suggested we skip a January meeting.   After much sulking and flouncing, we are meeting a week later instead, on 8 January.  That's me told!  

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