Sunday 19 October 2014

Holiday Randoms - Cornwall

Finn and I are just back from our holiday which was a bit all over the place to say the least - it comprised one night at Heathrow, four nights in Cornwall, three nights back at Heathrow and then another four nights in Essex.   A multi-destination holiday!  The jaunt has been a bit up in the air because of health issues, etc, and, up to the Friday before, I still wasn't sure I was going to bother going.   I finished work on the Friday, planned to do sod all on the Saturday, and, if I was feeling OK on the Sunday morning, then I would do some food shopping, pack the car up and head down to Heathrow to stay at the caravan before heading off to Looe on the Monday.  I think the day spent doing nothing on the Saturday definitely helped so, with excitement mounting and not a little trepidation, off we set.  The weather wasn't very encouraging on the drive down - it was horrible and wet with little visibility - until we started to get nearer to Cornwall, at which time the sun came out and I got a couple of sneaky photos as I went over the Tamar Bridge!

We had a lovely big posh caravan at Looe Bay caravan park, a mile up the hill out of Looe town.   Amanda and I had stayed here with Finn back in 2011 so I knew pretty much where everything was - a bonus really because I didn't want to concentrate too hard on this holiday, I didn't have the energy!   We weren't due to check in until after 4.00 pm, but the traffic had been really easy so we got there with about ninety minutes to spare - I popped into the Reception and asked if I could leave my car in the car park and take Finn for a good long leg stretch down into Looe and back until the caravan was ready.   As it turned out, the caravan was already cleaned and waiting for us, so I dumped everything in the living room and Finn and I went for a walk anyway - plenty of time for unpacking when we got back.

Man, I had forgotten that hill walk to Looe - getting down into the town was a doddle, but coming back was horrendous and I thanked God that I had remembered to pack my newly acquired inhaler in my walking rucksack!  

I really love Looe and would have been happy to spend a bit more time having a mooch around, but Finn had other ideas.  There were a lot of other dogs in the town and Finn cannot cope with being on the lead and seeing other dogs on leads - he just wants to fight them all!   After a lot of barking - a LOT of barking! - and a lot of me telling him off, I thought it would just be easier to walk back to the caravan for a cuppa.   (Later in the week, Finn made so many doggy friends on our walks - but of course that's because they were all off their leads and very happy to meet each other.)  

Back at the caravan, it was time to unpack and relax.  The caravan had two bedrooms - which was perfect and I could chuck all the spare bags, etc, in the spare room and not have the place all cluttered up like my living room at home!   The view from the caravan window was lovely - if you could see past all the other caravans - and Finn spent a lot of time just gazing out the window at the rabbits running around - those rabbits made our "wee" walks quite interesting every morning and evening!

I, of course, did a lot of knitting and enjoyed seeing the blanket grow - not only that, but it was of a length by that stage when I could wrap it around my legs to keep me warm too - bonus!

The other days in Cornwall will be covered under other posts but these are a few pictures of the sunsets and sunrise views we had over the week from the caravan window.   So beautiful - I may have to move down there!

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