Sunday 23 November 2014


A few weekends ago, Mum and Dad and I went to check out Billingford Lakes as a potential fishing spot for Andy next year.   These lakes are less than a mile from their new house and had been recommended.   Luckily, I didn't have Finn with me - we found out, when we got there, that dogs are not allowed, as the lakes are part of a nature reserve.  So, if Andy decides we're going next year, then Finn will have to go on holiday to his Nan and Grandad's - I'm sure they'll be delighted!

There are some beautiful walks all around the lakes and we had a good mooch.  We didn't see anyone else fishing though, but we did meet the manager - luckily, Dad knew the right questions to ask so that we could report back to Andy.

The autumn colours and light were beautiful and this is the first place I've ever seen Chinese lanterns growing wild.

After leaving the lakes, we headed along the lanes then that run alongside the River Wensum, another fishing spot (and which has since become the spot where I walk Finn before we head over to Mum and Dad's - to try and wear him out before we visit.  It doesn't work!).   By this time, we were beginning to lose the sun and it was getting a bit cool.

These lanes round about Mum and Dad's are causing me to waste quite a lot of time househunting on the Right Move website at the moment - always a dangerous occupation!   It really is a beautiful area, but I think I'll check out how Mum and Dad fare in the worst winter weather before I make any concrete plans!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Autumn Waterside Walk

We are really blessed to have so many lovely walks within a very short drive from where we live and one that we keep going back to is part of the Wherrymans Way south of Norwich.  It's gentle and flat and there's always something to see - whether it's the cruisers up and down the river and Rockland Broad, or the birdlife, or - at this time of year - the autumn colours.  I've even seen barn owls flying quite close by.   And Finn loves it because he gets a swim - not during the actual walk as the banks are quite high and he doesn't like jumping in, but at the end we have to walk past a slipway to get back to the car, so he always wades in from there and has a lovely swim.   We do like our routines!

Monday 17 November 2014

North Walsham Farewell

Mum and Dad have been in their new house for a month and they seem really settled - it's a beautiful little cottage with a sweet walled garden on a very quiet road in the village of North Elmham - they have moved from North Norfolk to West Norfolk and couldn't be happier.  A couple of weeks before their move, I popped to see them in North Walsham to take some photos of their garden - I wasn't so emotionally attached to the house itself but the garden was something else.  And I'll always have some fab memories - from the "graves" (the name given by Shannon to the raised beds!) to the "secret naked bouncy castle garden".  

I think this was the first pergola that Dad built - he's since built mine too with the help of Nicholas.   Mine was my birthday present in the first year I lived in this house and we had a "Ground Force" weekend - all hands on deck to transform my garden with plants and pergola.  I think I provided lunch.  It seems such a long time ago now - five years!

Mum and Dad got me into roses too - I always thought before that they were a bit "obvious", but Mum and Dad had an amazing selection over their trellis and arch, and they really inspired me to get my own.

Dad had recently taken down the trellis and most of the roses had gone, but there were still some bush roses in the "graves".   For Mum and Dad's 40th anniversary, we all clubbed together to buy them three roses with the word "Ruby" in the title - Ruby Wedding, Ruby Anniversary and one other, the name of which escapes me now.  But it was nine years ago, so I can't possibly remember that far back!

So, a little sad to see the back of this garden, but am really looking forward to seeing what transpires in North Elmham and hope to spend a bit of time sitting in their summer house, looking out at everything.  (Finn and Sid already love the rosemary bush as they keep walking through it - both boys smell gorgeous each time we go over!)

Friday 14 November 2014

Essex Seawall

From our caravan at St Lawrence on the Blackwater estuary, we could access the seawall directly through the caravan park so, on a cold and blustery, but bright, morning, Finn and I headed out for a walk.  

We could only get so far along the seawall one way before retracing our steps - the houses along here have large gardens running down to the beach with walls stopping any further progress.   Finn did get a bit of a paddle - in mud.   It honestly looked like sand which is why I let him off the lead.  I soon wished I hadn't!

It was pretty bleak as we headed out towards Bradwell - and was getting steadily cooler and greyer, so we didn't hang about.   It was lovely and quiet - we didn't see any other walkers - and very atmospheric.   I almost expected to bump into Magwitch, the escaped convict from Dickens' Great Expectations - but on re-reading the opening chapters on my return home, it turns out that he met Pip on the Kent marshes and I was in the wrong county for that!

The houses and farms around here are enormous, but I just couldn't imagine living out here - it's just too bleak.  That's not to say it was unattractive, but I just don't think I could be that much of a hermit.

I was pretty powerless to keep Finn out of the mud and he was disgusting by the end of our walk - so much so that I had to shut him in the boot of the car while I headed into the caravan to get his shampoo to give him a bath.  Bloody dog!

Have you ever seen such a pathetic face?!