Monday 23 November 2015

Odds and Sods - October 2015

I haven't posted anything for a few weeks as I've been away on holiday in Cornwall and, just this weekend gone, in London.  So I'm a bit behind with posts - so what's new?!  I've had to refer back to my diary for October as I cannot remember, for the life of me, what happened back then - I hate getting old and losing my memory!

Andy came to stay for a weekend and we had a lovely time relaxing and chilling out.  He bought me these beautiful flowers to cheer me up too.

I'm afraid I only took one "seeds and stuff" photo - for a very good reason actually.   I have decided it's time to leave my lovely house and garden and move somewhere smaller, less overwhelming and, hopefully, cheaper to run!  So the only thing I did plant up was 115 spring bulbs hoping to attract buyers with my beautiful front garden! - I got a bit carried away in B&Q one weekend!   I did dig up some spuds though, so all was not lost.

Mum moved in for a couple of days while Dad supervised their bathroom renovations which was really lovely - she was staying over anyway as we had our Knitters with Attitude meeting, so she prolonged her stay and did some shopping in Norwich, and I got to meet her for lunch that day, only to pick up all her purchases to take home and save her taking them on the bus!  

I had the family over for lunch one Sunday and, being totally stumped for a pudding, I served up a Do It Yourself trifle.  I used some old (but clean!) jam jars, in the bottom of which I'd put fruit, poured jelly over to set overnight, then topped with custard - and then provided different creams, fruit, hundreds and thousands, meringues, etc, so they could make their own trifle at the table.   Genius idea - not mine, I'm sad to say, but my friend Tracy from work suggested it and it went down a treat, so I'm definitely doing that again.

And, in the spirit of decluttering for my upcoming move, I sent everyone away with bags of DVDs and Shannon won a cupboard too - it all helps with my life laundry!   I've started to pack things up and throw things away although that is quite difficult at this time of year as I'm knee deep in Christmas shopping already - and I've started to wrap it all up too.  I won't be caught out again this year as I have been previously!

I've got a new fridge freezer which is exciting as it's in the kitchen and not in the outhouse - so no more need for arctic expeditions to go and get milk and provisions from outside - it's fab!

I've had lots of lovely snuggles on the sofa, not just with Finn, but also with Sid.

And I also had a bit of drama which meant one GP and two hospital visits - while having my daily wrestle with Finn, I didn't move out of the way quickly enough so ended up with a scratched eyeball - ouch!  

I couldn't open my eye for a few hours to start with, so got myself up to the GP - that was an interesting walk!  To be given ointment which unfortunately caused a reaction with my eye, so it was up to the hospital then for a different prescription.

It's all cleared up now although gets a bit dry occasionally - so I am using some gel stuff that I got at the second hospital appointment.  What a blinking palaver!

So, that was October - I can't believe it's November already and we've had snow in Norfolk.  Luckily, I was in London at the time so missed it altogether!

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