Tuesday 19 July 2016

Seeds and Stuff - June 2016

June this year was memorable for the amount of rain we've had!  So the garden is a bit weird - it's been very green but not an awful lot of colour yet.  I've had no poppies at all, the foxgloves have all been a bit lanky with not too many flowers and the aquilegias were very disappointing.  The roses, however, have been beautiful.
While the foxgloves have been a bit sparse, they have, of course, been beautiful and still remain one of my most favourite garden plants.
The lavender has done very well this year and there are constantly bees buzzing around.
Earlier this year, there were predictions of a horrendous slug and snail problem - I'm not sure if all the rain has made things worse, but it's been awful.  And because I have a bit of a phobia with slugs, I haven't been spending as much time in the garden as usual, because of them.  The upside of the slug problem is the amount of frogs in my garden hopping around and munching them all up!
I found this little fella in one of my plant pots - it was the right way up when I found it, so this frog must have a huge leap on him!  I turned the pot on its side so he could get out and spent a traumatic few moments trying to entice him out without Finn getting him.  Finn is just curious, I know he won't hurt them, although he does like to have a good sniff.
The garden, on the whole, is looking good this year although I just wish there was a bit more colour.
And I'm really not sure what this is about, but Finn has taken to laying underneath the hydrangea and has dug himself a little hole to lay in.  Weirdo!

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