Saturday 13 May 2017

Seeds and Stuff - April 2017

It's the time of year again when everything in the garden has gone berserk!  It's actually looking pretty untidy as I type this - the carpet of forget-me-nots which I tend to leave is just going over and looking a bit tatty - I've been outside today and taken them all up from one side of the garden, but have been dodging rain showers, so will do the rest hopefully tomorrow.  Once those are taken up, then everything looks neat and tidy and I can do some proper gardening.  I can't bear to pull them all up though when they're in flower as they're so pretty.

This was the garden at the beginning of April when we all got excited as the weather was lovely and warm and we could get the firepit going.   We've had so little rain this year that the Met Office have been bombarding us with information about driest spring since records began, etc, etc, and no doubt a hosepipe ban will soon be issued!

The weather hasn't all been great though - we had snow on 23 April!

The tulips have looked lovely this year in the front garden ...
Andy procured a new garden planter for me - a giant boulder with a hole right the way through, so perfect for planting.  The only difficulty is that we can't lift it up, so it will have to be planted in situ - the only way to shift it is to roll it and just hope it doesn't land on your foot!
And, to give some reference of the size of it, here is my shoe as a reference point!
We had a lovely surprise in my compost bin - clearly I didn't empty the planters of bulbs, so we have tulips also growing in the bin!  When I come to use that compost, then I'll remove the bulbs then - if I remember - and pot them on.

The tamarisk is flowering again - it's so lovely when in bloom, it's just such a shame it's so ugly and big the rest of the year.  It originally was a cutting - well, more correctly, it was a bit of twig that fell off Mum and Dad's plant at Bacton - and it now has a solid old trunk and doesn't stop growing, despite me setting about it with the saw at least once a year.
I've given the climbing hydrangeas out the front a bit of a haircut and even gave Mum a four foot long cutting (!) which had come away from the wall.  Hopefully she'll have plenty of cutting material from it.
Auntie June's hebe is going strong ...
The Cercis siliquastrum I bought last year has flowered which I'm delighted about, as I'd been told to expect no flowers for a few years.  No!!!

So, here's some random shots of the garden - I love that it's looking so lush.

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