Monday 1 January 2018

Odds and Sods - December 2017

Well, here we are in 2018 and I'm being unusually on the ball for posting December's odds and sods post - this is (as always) a new year's resolution of mine, but it won't last I know.

We've had jaunts out and about to craft fairs, shopping expeditions, etc, to get the Christmas shopping organised and, amazingly, I didn't have to give out any IOUs this year - everything was finished or bought, and wrapped in time.  Hurrah!  Lots of posts to follow for individual days out and about - when I get around to it!

We've had some sad news though - Andy has finished his Norfolk contract and is now living in Bristol, so he left at the beginning of December to start down there.  Finn and I are looking forward to exploring the west country this year and have our first jaunt booked in for mid February!  In the meantime, Finn is missing Andy dreadfully and it's breaking my heart that Finn is laying on the door mat waiting for Andy every evening after work.

This photo makes me chuckle - this was always my view from my pillow every morning - that's Finn in the middle of us!

We've had a LOT of weather - snow, winds, floods - I cannot WAIT for the evenings to get lighter and for the rain to clear up!
College broke up on 13 December for our practicals and 19 December for theory, but I've been spending a fair amount of time reading up all my notes and text books in readiness for February's exams.  Eek.   On our last practical day of college, we had a lovely day doing some plant identifications, and then chopping back whatever we wanted from the college grounds to make our own wreath - I loved it!  Working in the glasshouses with everyone else being creative - although me not so much!

It's not the prettiest (or most circular) wreath ever seen, but I love it all the same and am determined I'm going to make one every year now, using stuff I've grown or foraged.

Christmas Day was very quiet - just Mum and Dad, Amanda and me.  But Boxing Day was a bit more lively with the addition of Rat and Pam, and Nicholas.  And we celebrated our Christmas Day on Boxing Day - just to be as non-conformist and anarchic as we usually are!  A fabulous day spent laughing and bickering, eating and drinking, singing, but no dancing for a change!

Nicholas bought me these slippers - but Finn has appropriated them as his toys.  Which is exactly why I asked for a non comedy pair.  Hey ho - they have given us hours of entertainment and are proving a useful distraction from revision.
And this is so exciting!  It was on my Christmas wish list but did not materialise, so I ordered a copy for myself which proved quite a distraction from work as I had it delivered to the office.  There's got to be some perks to working between Christmas and New Year after all!

But, as usual, December was all about Finn .....

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