Friday 11 January 2019

Made or Grown - December 2018

Since I've finished making all the Christmas presents, I've been concentrating on making more stuff for myself, so hopefully I'll be more organised in 2019 for this monthly update.  In the meantime, I've got a handful of evidence for December - shocking!

3 December 2018 - this is the shawl I made for Mary but which came back to me in March - I do so love it but I think it's very draining on me - or maybe I was just tired when I took this selfie?!

12 December 2018 - this jumper really doesn't go with this dress, tights or boots, but who cares?  The heating keeps packing up in our office so, while I wear the jumper primarily to walk to work and keep warm en route, it's always good to have a winter woolly about my person for non-heating issues!

20 December 2018 - this it the thin scarf I made with the For the Love of Yarn wool I bought in Knaresborough on holiday a year or so back.  As most of my wardrobe is made up of autumn colours, this scarf matches practically everything I own.

25 December 2018 - this is a bit of a cheat as the Kirkstone Pass jumper wasn't actually finished at this point - with a bit of camera trickery, you can't see that it doesn't actually have any sleeves!  (I can confirm that it's finished now though and has been worn - photos to be shown in the January Made or Grown post.)

27 December 2018 - again, I'm not sure that these stripes all match but I'm way past caring when it's so cold at work.   This is the chunky asymmetrical poncho I made with the wool I bought in Alnwick on holiday a few years ago.  I do love to have woolly souvenirs of all my holidays!

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