Sunday 13 January 2019

Odds and Sods - December 2018

December passed by in a flash, probably because we were all so busy as usual.   I was really organised with my Christmas presents again - no IOUs this year! - so really enjoyed the run up to Christmas.  I even set up spreadsheets to show posting dates, when I was visiting people, the last date before Christmas that I was going to see people, etc.   It went very smoothly and I'm definitely employing this method every year now.

Now I've dropped my days at work, I now have two week days for jollies and jaunts - woohoo!   I rang Nicholas as he works strange shifts to see if he was free the day that Mum and Dad wanted to go to Wells next the Sea and he was - so he was roped in too!  
Finn and I have done plenty of walking and he's had a clean bill of health declared by the vet, which is great news.   Most of our walks were done in grey and damp conditions which is a shame, but you can't have everything.
Andy came up for a weekend just before Christmas and we had a lovely evening out with Mum and Dad in their local.
Andy and I had half a Christmas before the 25th, and the other half in the new year when he came back from Warrington.  I do like these elongated festivities.   As usual, I bought Andy his wine crate and filled it full of goodies, and he bought me another troll bead for my bracelet.

Christmas Day was fun, the usual mix of bickering, laughing, dancing and singing.  But mainly laughing.   Lovely memories made.

I've stolen this photo from Shannon - this was when we had our little jaunt around the city at the end of November.  I love it!
Every year I like to get a new Christmas decoration for the tree, generally while we're on holiday as we go away so late in the year.  But this year's decoration was actually a souvenir from the Bobbin Mill in the Lake District which I've embellished with some glittery rope.  I had meant to put some Christmas ribbon around it but didn't get my act together.  And actually I quite like it bare.

In the colder evenings and miserable grey days, I've been doing lots of knitting.  And I mean LOTS!  I've finished another jumper for myself - post to follow - and made lots of accessories, neck warmers, hats, etc.  It's been fab and I've really enjoyed it.

So that's it for 2018 - which flew past way too quickly.   I'm hopeful for 2019, and my word for the year is "moderation" - I'm looking forward to many more adventures, but am not setting myself too many goals or too high expectations.  


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