Thursday 7 May 2020

Odds and Sods - April 2020

What a strange month it's been.  Because we've been in lockdown, everything has been squashed down into house and garden and I can't imagine what it would be like not to have some outside space - I realise how lucky I am.

I've been doing a LOT of knitting!   This is Rachel's birthday blanket, delivered last Sunday, a couple of days late, but glad I got to see her.   I had a tour of her lovely garden and have some new ideas - mainly involving outsize fire pits!

I've made myself a jumper.

I've bought some yarn, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.

A friend of mine sent me this photo - I made this cardigan nearly thirty years ago for her daughter, and now it's been gifted to the daughter of another friend, it's still looking really fresh!

I should have said that quite a lot of the knitting I've done has been in the garden - so lucky to have had such beautiful weather for the past few weeks.

I've been trying out new recipes - flour shortage permitting! - including flapjacks and peanut butter houmous, which is all frozen in individual portions.

I haven't been reading so much - it's very difficult to concentrate on anything in these uncertain times.  But this made me chuckle - this was a Christmas gift from Shannon a couple of years ago and, in these days of social distancing, is rather appropriate!

One of the things that has been preoccupying me - and most other people in the country - is not being able to get a haircut.  I've improvised with scarves!

I think that everyone has suddenly become very creative with all this time on our hands.  I received my brooch from my florist friend, Karen, who stocks these pieces in her shop, which I will be visiting very soon after lockdown ends.

And my lovely friend, Mo, made me some postcards to send to my garden clients just to check in on them while I can't go and work in their gardens.  I'm getting increasingly desperate messages from some of them about the state of their gardens and saying they can't wait for me to come back to work!

Through all of this, Finn has been a joy to have around.  We are still able to go out for our daily walk, as part of the Government measures regarding exercise, and I really look forward to these each evening.  

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