Monday 1 February 2021

Odds and Sods - December 2020

With lockdown continuing and enhanced restrictions, I feel like I don't really do anything at the moment, except knitting and cooking!   Because Amanda and I live alone, but separately, we were allowed to form a "bubble" which means we can stay over at each other's, and so I can't live entirely on fish finger sandwiches!   This is my Christmas quiche - full of cranberries, garlic and mustard - it's yum.

This is Nigella's cappucino pavlova - the top photo shows how it SHOULD look and the second photo is my take on it!   Mine is more of a lasagne pavlova with layers!  Tastes fab though.

We were allowed to get together for Christmas Day only - just five of us sadly - but Boxing Day had to be cancelled due to covid restrictions.   This is my bubble and squeak I brought home from Mum and Dad's, very disappointing as there was no stuffing!

This eventually became my first "Monthly Make" for 2021, which is this year's challenge to make one item of clothing a month for me.

Christmas wasn't cancelled completely, and the tree did go up very early to compensate for all the other shit that we've had to put up with over the past few months!

I did get a day trip up to the coast at Sheringham to meet Rat and Pam (and Ruby!) for a socially distanced walk.   So things weren't all bad.

And once all the Christmas presents were made, I was commissioned to make a string of mini stockings.

But the biggest news of all .... is that we've welcomed this little chap to our home.  Separate post to be written with literally HUNDREDS of photos!

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