Saturday 27 February 2021

Odds and Sods - January 2021

As expected, life is just all about Domino at the moment!   We're still in lockdown so we can't get out and about, can't go shopping as the only shops open are the supermarkets, can't visit friends or family.   So we're basically stuck indoors, which suits me when it's so cold anyway and I have a new pup to look after.   Because of issues with getting Domino's jabs sorted, we haven't been able to go out for walks, except in the past two weeks, so we were completely confined to quarters!

Domino is certainly very photogenic and looks very angelic, which is not always the case.  He's spent quite a bit of time in jail also!

My January monthly make was this beautiful summerweight jumper, made from Blue Fern yarn in mainly autumnal shades, but with a bright light blue thrown in.   I'm very pleased with my first make of the year.

I've also been making a string of mini gansey bunting - using up odds and sods and scraps of yarn.  I love them!

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