Friday 28 October 2022

Odds and Sods - April 2021

 Due to various lockdowns, etc, Domino wasn't probably as socialised as he should have been at six months.  The only people he really spent time with were Amanda, Mum and me.   Amanda stayed with me occasionally so Domino got to see her as another Mum, I think.

Sadly, both Mum and Dad were unwell last year and, at one point, Mum came to stay with me while Dad was being cared for at home by Amanda and local authority carers.  We had to make sure that Domino wasn't as rough with her, as he generally is with me and Amanda!

I love this photo of this pair being daft together - we didn't do an awful lot of laughing last year, so it's especially lovely to see this and recognise that we did have moments of joy in among all the heartache.

Covid was still with us so it was a relief when we were all being jabbed and then getting boosters.

I found that knitting and dressmaking last year became therapy, as it was a chance to forget everything else that was going on.   This was the start of a blanket.  (Which actually didn't materialise, as it was so bloody fiddly!   Perhaps one day I'll go back to it.)

I started making myself an infinity scarf which was much less fiddly so, consequently, was finished and worn lots!

My car died in April, and because we were backwards and forwards to the local acute hospital to visit Dad, I had to plot a walking route to the hospital from home, and it took me through the grounds of the University.   There are some beautiful walks through the campus grounds.

My new car as I couldn't be long without a car, especially given all the mileage I needed to do last year.

I still managed to keep up with my monthly makes throughout the year and, looking back, I still don't really believe I completed so much, with everything else that was going on.

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