Friday 7 October 2022

Settle to Carlisle

 Before we went on our St Bees holiday back in September 2020, we had already decided that we would spend a day travelling on the Settle to Carlisle line, reliving old journeys that we had carried out many years ago.

It was during peak covid (strange) times, so we were fully masked as soon as we got into the station at Carlisle and remained so during our train journey to Settle.

When we got to Settle, we discovered the town was in the throes of a flowerpot festival.   (Of course, pretty much all the photos I took on the day - hundreds of 'em! - are on my broken hard drive, so the photos on this post are all I managed to retrieve from social media.   So annoying.)  It was also market day, and really bustling.  I do love Settle.

We had quite an ordeal on the journey home, as we had to manoeuvre Mum and Dad up the steps on the platform, across the tracks and down the other side to the correct platform.   Dad wasn't very steady on his feet at this time, so it took some time, but it was all carried out without incident!

And we did at least get this beautiful view as we were halfway across.

(Dodgy old photo of the Ribblehead Viaduct through the train windows!)

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