Monday 4 April 2011


Monday 4 April 2011 - Norwich

Feeling a little flat today after a lovely, but action packed, weekend. Friday night passed without incident - if you discount the man arriving and turning the garden upside down while trying to light the firepit; the dog going bonkers because the man was there; and the Labour party candidate arriving on the doorstep at a crucial moment when the cheese sauce was threatening to bubble over. All these distractions aside, it felt good to be eating outside so early in the year.

Saturday found me tidying up my garden - under duress I might add. I would have liked to have taken it slowly and a bit at a time. But no, we were on a mission apparently. So by eleven fifteen, the garden was free of rubbish as it had all been transferred to the municipal tip instead. There then followed a trip to an outdoors shop so I could begin to repair my tent poles - camping season due to start soon - and then a trip to Tescos to get food for the barbecue - a very healthy mackerel and sea bream, instead of the usual burger and sausage fest. The rest of the day was spent relaxing - finally - and sitting in the garden. The man was so impressed that the patio is finally clear after my two years in residence, that he turned it into an impromptu dancefloor. Quite what my neighbours thought of the inebriated middle aged couple dancing to Madness by the light of the firepit, thankfully I'll never know.

Sunday was very lazy indeed - the dog, who is exceptionally intelligent, gave me a rather lovely plant for my garden for Mother's Day and he was rewarded by a run round a local lake, where he proceeded to disgrace himself by chasing the ducks and the swans. I could hear lots of people laughing at his antics, although I was myself mortified and the man was very cross. We effected a quick retreat back to the car and then home to relax in the garden.

So, a really good weekend in all, but I'm back to work today for a rest.

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