Sunday 3 March 2013


I'm rather behind with everything at the moment - it's 3 March, but my to do list is stuck on 11 February. I can't decide if I'm lazy, distracted, putting things off. Or whether it's simply that there are too many things on said list. I've a few excuses - I always have some in stock - which, to me, are valid, but once I try to explain them to others, I can see them thinking that I'm making it up. And then I get cross that I'm even TRYING to explain them to others, when, frankly, it's none of their business. I guess I'm trying to make myself feel better about being so lazy. I should stop talking about my chores and just get on with them. I have changed my working hours so now have an extra day off every weekend - which should, in theory, be plenty of time to get these chores done. We will see. I've started to read a few blogs from crafty types who seem to be living in beautiful houses, with beautiful children and friends, and plenty of time to be creative. Whilst I am very envious of their beautiful lifestyle, they seem a wee bit too serene for me. I like my days to have a bit of chaos every now and then, to shock me out of my complacency. I think I might be bored if things were too calm and organised. I haven't written this blog for nearly two years - again, I've been putting it off. Same old story. But I'm starting this up to monitor whether there are certain times that I become extra lazy or distracted. Or whether it's an ongoing process for me. I suspect the latter. Signing off for now. Let's see how long I leave it until posting another entry!

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