Saturday 23 March 2013


When you knit as much as I do, then you end up with an awful lot of odds and ends, scraps which are too small to make anything of any substance.  When you crochet - which I don't* - you can use your scraps for granny blanket squares.  But, when you knit, you have to be a bit more creative - either that, or you end up throwing it away.   And I hate waste, so this is not something which I would endorse. 

What I would endorse, however, is hexipuffing.  These are very gently padded little hexagonal bits of loveliness which take about half an hour each to make - I'm using double knitting for these.  I've seen them (only in photos, mind) sewn together as blankets or dog beds, but I'm thinking cushions.  I'm thinking dining seat pads.  I'm thinking lovely pillows for your bed. 

Better get started then .....
This was my first evening's work. 

On Day Two, the pile had grown a little.

By Day Three, we were rocking.

I realise that these colours do not really go together.  If you want your seat pads to be classy and matching, then you'd better get yourself to John Lewis or Dunelm Mill.  But if you want something a bit more original and creative, I would heartily recommend these little beauties.  They really have become my latest obsession.

* I start crochet classes on Tuesday - and am wondering if it's wrong to be this excited about it! 

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