Saturday 30 March 2013


I had a conversation this week with one of the ladies at work about clutter/ colour versus minimalism/ beige.  Until that point, I hadn't associated clutter and hoarding as being bright, but, since then, I've been looking around my house with different eyes.  The man says I hoard - I don't consider that I do - but I do have a lot of bright and beautiful things in my house, so perhaps that's what he means by clutter?  I will have to remember to discuss this with him when I next see him - he works away which means he isn't always here.  No doubt I will have forgotten all about it by the time we next meet.

So, today, I took some photos of lovely things on my coffee table - some flowers, a beautiful display that Amanda gave me for Easter and a couple of Easter cards I have received. 

If these bursts of colour are found in just one place in my house - on the coffee table - then imagine what the rest of the house looks like!

After a morning of running around concentrating on chores, I've taken advantage of another miserable day - snow showers on and off all day - to sit and concentrate on my latest project, another baby blanket.  I wasn't very pleased with the one I have recently finished - it had fourteen colours in it and I think it was too lary, even for me!   So the one I am making now has just five colours - two shades of green and two shades of blue, tied together with cream.  Very subtle for me!  I have also made a few more granny squares to add to my collection. 

And all the while, I've shared the sofa with Finn, keeping me warm while I've been working.  Perfect afternoon.

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