Monday 25 March 2013

Surprising ...

Today, I've had a lovely surprise looking at my payslip.  At the beginning of March, I dropped my hours at work to spend more time being creative.  I had been wanting to do this for ages and plucked up the courage before Christmas to ask my lovely manager who immediately agreed that I could do so.  However, because of the usual office politics, people going sick, etc, etc, this only started up at the beginning of March - and, since then, I no longer work Mondays.  Heaven!

Today I got my first payslip following this change and I was rather dreading it.  But I have been very pleasantly surprised - because I'm paying less tax, less National Insurance, less pension, it has made very little difference at all.  Which is now making me wonder if I can drop my hours further!  I. must. not. think. like. this.  Hard not to though! 

I actually have an interview later today - for a job I didn't apply for.  Long story, but an agency I signed with yonks ago ring me every now and then to try to entice me away from my four day week for more money.  I have to admit that I'm tempted by the money, but I will probably have to give up my Mondays off.  And, for me, I think time is actually far more precious than money.  I knew I should have turned down the interview!

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