Sunday 10 March 2013


Today is Mother's Day.  Normally, I get a card from my very intelligent dog, but this year he forgot.  The man has had bronchitis though, so has had a lot on his plate, trying to get better.  I won't mention it next time I see him.

We don't really do Mother's Day in our family.  Well, we do cards but I don't remember EVER getting Mum a present.  However, I finished the lovely pair of lacy bed socks that I had made yesterday and I thought they would be perfect for her.  And it turns out they were.  In fact, Dad took one look and requested a pair too - minus the lace obviously.

I picked my sister, Amanda, and her dog, Sid, up this morning and we drove through the sleet and snow to see Mum and Dad and were surprised when we got there to find that Mum had included us for Sunday roast - bonus!  We really DO have the best Mum in the world.

Shamefully, though, I had not realised that yesterday was the 25th anniversary of our Nan (Mum's Mum) dying - it was only through Amanda's and my cousin Sam's posts on Facebook yesterday, that I was made aware of it.  I did have a little weep, remembering her, but for all the fun stuff. She was a formidable lady.  And I should have done the decent thing and rung Mum for a chat about Nan.  But that's another thing we don't do.  Talk about the things that matter.  I did speak to Mum later but we chatted about the usual rubbish - wool, craft fairs, my wayward brother, etc.  As a family, we're good at not dealing with the painful stuff. 

PS.  The man sent me a text later to apologise that he had forgotten my Mother's Day card from Finn.  Definitely no need for me to mention it now then!

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