Monday 11 March 2013


Today, all my plans have gone awry, but actually I quite like it.  I was due to head up to north Norfolk this morning to help Rat and Pam (brother and sister-in-law) pack up their house to move to their new place.  However, the snow laid overnight and we've had lots of squally snow showers this morning and, as I'm a very nervous snow driver, I have cried off.  The other two things I had on today's list have also been cancelled.  I really do have enough food in my freezer so no need to pop to Tescos.  And Amanda is not well so has taken the day off work, which means I don't have to go and collect Sid either.

Instead, so far, I have dusted upstairs.  Thrown a load of stuff out which was in the loft.  I've moved all the junk out of the spare bedroom to new homes throughout the house.  And now I'm having a coffee and a feet up before starting on downstairs dusting.  I'm actually quite enjoying it.  I have the ipod blaring out and am listening to some tunes I haven't heard for a long time.  It's cool.

I'm aiming to have all housework done by lunchtime so I can spend the afternoon and evening catching up on TV, knitting, and generally just snuggling with Finn on the sofa.  I can protest all I like that I hate this weather and being cooped up indoors.  But I think everyone's probably realised that's when I'm at my happiest.  I'm not really kidding anyone, am I?!

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