Sunday 26 January 2014


At the beginning of January, when we're all skint after Christmas and have no money for bread, let alone house repairs, my roof sprang a leak.   Although I didn't know this at the time - all I knew was that my landing carpet was wet at the top of the stairs and there was water pissing through the electric light fitting!  My first reaction was to tear down the stairs and turn all the upstairs electrics off.  There were then many trips up and down stairs to work out what had happened and even Mum and Dad, who were on a jaunt to Norwich that day, came to try and work it out.   No joy.  

So, after four hours hanging on the 'phone to the insurance company; turning off all the water (and consequently heating) for the day; finally getting an emergency plumber out - who had to work in the loft by torchlight - who confirmed that the water tank and pipes weren't leaking (despite there being a gaping hole in the ceiling directly underneath the tank); it became apparent that there was a hole in the roof.   Thank God for the very sweet plumber clambering around in the loft to work out why I had a leak.  And thank goodness he told me to put the water back on - so I could have heating.   (Although I still haven't turned the electric back on upstairs - my house is very fragrant at the moment as the upstairs has been lit by candlelight for a few weeks!)

After pretty much all day sobbing like a girl, I finally had an answer - although that wasn't actually the end of the issue as the insurance company announced (after an hour hanging on the 'phone to them the following day) they would not cover this damage.  However, following weather checks, it turned out we had experienced 55 mile per hour winds for three days running, so actually I WAS covered by insurance.  

It's a good outcome though - the scaffolders are coming tomorrow and the builders will be here all week to replace damaged roof tiles and replace 4 square metres of roofing felt, insulation and ceiling!   Just before the winter really kicks in and temperatures plummet - it's already very draughty in the house so I'm just glad the work's getting done very quickly.   And of course I get a week off work - bonus!   The builders told me that I didn't need to take any time off, but I feel that I need to stay here to make sure Finn doesn't try to get up on the scaffolding to help! 

Anyway, at the end of a very trying - and emotional - day, the only thing that made things better were cake and tea.  So I now have a new motto too - when everything is going pear shaped, make a cake and things will instantly be better!

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