Monday 3 March 2014

Bure Valley

The Bure Valley walk follows the nine mile route of the steam train that runs from Aylsham to Wroxham.  Our plan had been to park at one end, walk to the other, and then get the train back to our car.  Sadly, though, the trains don't run in January!   The day itself was cold and dreary, but dry.  Although the paths were really churned up and muddy and caused much slipping and sliding.   It didn't affect our spirits too much - well certainly not for the first half of the walk.  Amanda and I kept Shannon entertained (or so we tried to kid ourselves!) with our singing and harmonies.  Apparently not. 
Amanda and Shannon followed the signs too literally it seemed to me - there were lots of them exhorting us to stop and wait for instructions. Being a bit dim, it took me a while to work out what these two comedians were up to, but I eventually got there and every time we came close to one of these signs, I yelled at them to "keep going!"  
By the time we got to the end, we were glad to finish.  It wasn't a particularly challenging walk, but conditions underfoot caused a few injuries - all that sliding about and then trying to over-compensate our stride, so as not to fall over.   Still, a very good day all in all and this is the reason we're doing it .....

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