Sunday 31 May 2015


At the beginning of May, Amanda, Sid and I had a day out to Hunstanton. Because we knew we'd be looking around shops as well as exploring the beach, I decided to leave Finn at home. He's fab while running around off the lead but gets a bit annoying in busy places when on the lead.

We walked from the centre of Hunstanton along the prom and then along the cliffs to get down to the golf course and the sand dunes. It was too stony on the beach for poor old Sid's feet, which is why we stuck to the springy turf along the top.

At the golf course end of the beach is a sweet little cafe - dog friendly inside and out - and we wanted to sit outside as we wanted to soak up the sunshine while we could!

After coffee and cake - yum! - we headed off to the sand dunes which were pretty much deserted - just how we like it. Such a gorgeous beach although absolutely heaving in high summer, of course.

Sid got right into his stride and led the way for us!

I love this picture - where Sid went, we followed!  He had obviously decided he'd had enough of the beach by then!

So beautiful and so lovely when there's not so many people around.

Sid then led us to Old Hunstanton and inland a bit round the back of the golf course, while Amanda and I ooh'ed and aah'ed about all the houses we fancied!  There were lots!

After our walk back to the centre of town, all our time was taken up with shopping and wandering aimlessly looking for the fabric shop we had read about - and we weren't disappointed.  Merely disappointed in the amount of choice, meaning we couldn't decide what to buy.  That doesn't happen very often! Oh, and also chips on the seafront proved a bit of a distraction too.

A really lovely day - I don't know why we don't go to Sunny Hunny more often - I think that might be remedied quite a bit from now on!

Friday 29 May 2015


When Amanda and I were planning our day trips for the week at the end of April/ beginning of May, we had a really random way of doing so.  I mentioned that I would like to go to Wells and Walsingham and Amanda had discovered that there were four wool and fabric shops in Wisbech (although we only found the one plus a wool stall on the market!) so we decided to have a "W" holiday.  That was all the planning that went into it and all the other things we had on our list - Wherryman's Way, Woodbridge, Walberswick, etc - were abandoned anyway.  I don't think we'll be planning like that again!

Mum came with us too and insisted she couldn't look at anything before stocking up on chocolate levels first!

I'm not sure that I'll be visiting Wisbech again - it's a nice enough town, but quite run down.  Lots of pound shops, a few clothes shops, some hardware stores, a couple of health food shops. Nice enough to visit, but no need to go back again.

However, it does have a rather lovely church in the centre with some really interesting gardens.

I really liked the way that the old gravestones had been incorporated into the gardens.

And the plants were fabulous.

The area around the church grounds was lovely with a walled kitchen garden too.

A lovely day out with Mum and Amanda, but probably not one to be repeated!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Cobweb Blowing

I know I keep harping on about it, but we are so lucky to have the beaches in North Norfolk that we do. Vast expanses of sand and pretty much all dog-friendly. Amanda and I recently had a week off work and made a list of day trips we'd like to do and Wells was right at the top - as always.

We chose a beautiful, but very breezy, day - perfect for photo opportunities with Amanda's new camera!

Finn and Sid had a lovely time as usual - Finn spent ages swimming.

But because he can be a bit annoying, we chucked him in the back of the car quite near to the cafe so that he could watch us and not get agitated, while Amanda and I sat with Sid to have a coffee - not for too long though, crikey it was fresh!

Dogs are really well catered for - they're even allowed into the cafe - as can be seen from the K9 hydration station!  They've even got the raised water bowls for greyhounds.

Fab day and it won't be long before we're back!