Monday 18 May 2015

New Forest

A few weeks ago - at the start of my week's leave from work - Andy and I, with Finn in tow, caused madness and mayhem down in the New Forest. We were visiting our friends Ed and Ruth, Katherine and Jessica in their beautiful new home. I know I should make more of an effort to visit, but East Anglia just seems so far away from everywhere! But from the caravan at Heathrow, it was just short of a ninety minute drive each way, very do-able in a day.

We had a lovely lunch and spent a lot of time in their huge garden, trying to identify plants - sadly I haven't got any photos as I was too busy being a horticulturalist! (Not terribly successfully, it has to be said.) And while it was still dry - with rain forecast later - Ed, Katherine, Andy and I took Finn for a walk in the Forest while Ruth and Jessica took Jake, their beautiful Gordon Setter, to the vets. This was really where it all started to go wrong.

Ed and Katherine wanted to show us their favourite spot where a path crosses a small stream, but it had been so dry lately that the stream had very nearly dried up. Finn managed a little paddle of course. But once out of there and heading uphill on a path, he started to disgrace himself. New Forest ponies roam the landscape and Finn, of course, loves to roll in poo. And so he did. A lot. And I mean a lot. Katherine was looking less than impressed - it was disgusting though, so I don't blame her at all. We came back to another stream which was a bit deeper this time, so I spent ages throwing sticks and stones in for Finn to jump in and swim to, but it wasn't deep enough for him to get completely wet. God, he's horrible. (I was cross too as the stones I threw were ones I'd collected to put in the mosaic path!)

It was incredibly peaceful - except for me shouting at Finn - and there were very few people which I was surprised about, especially as it was a beautiful day up to then. Ed pointed out that the New Forest covers such a huge area though and the bit we were visiting was less well-known which explained the lack of people.

Back at the house, Ed and Andy gave Finn a bath with the garden hose and Jake's eucalyptus shampoo so Finn once again smelt OK. We spent some more time in the garden, but not long after, the rains came and, because I didn't want Finn messing up the house, I decided we should make a move homewards.

Such a lovely lovely day - so lovely to catch up with friends - although feeling quite guilty at having put everyone out. And Finn had a great run too, although was incredibly sulky (and curly) when we got back to the caravan and he was set upon by me and the hairdryer!

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