Friday 16 September 2016

Odds and Sods - August 2016

Well, August has left me in a complete whirl - so many lovely adventures, so many photos taken, so many stories to tell and posts to blog.  And here we are in mid September, and I'm just collating August's odds and sods now - the main reason for being so late not actually belonging to August, but to September.  Andy is finally home!  He permanently moved in with me and Finn at the beginning of September which is fabulous, of course, but we've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to post very much.  Our time is so precious that I try not to sit on the computer when Andy's here, so I have to make do with the odd weekend he's away with friends and family, or, more increasingly, on work nights out! (When I can catch up with my rubbish TV and sit around in my jimjams, drinking tea!)

So, August then ...I celebrated rather a large birthday this year and more posts will follow on that as I partied like it was 1999!  The day between my party and my actual birthday needed me to be occupied, to prevent me opening any presents early, so Amanda and I headed up to East Runton with Finn and Sid for a lovely morning at the beach. 

Amanda came and spent my birthday afternoon with me also to share in the present opening - I didn't need an audience of course, but I wanted to be able to share it.  We had a lovely afternoon - me opening the presents and Amanda laughing at my reactions when I realised she'd told everyone what I wanted and here was my wish list opening up in front of me! 

I spent the day after my birthday with Tracy from work sharing a lovely lazy lunch in her beautiful garden.   So lucky to have such amazing friends.

The weekend after my birthday was spent with even more friends and family at Hevingham Lakes for a camping trip, with a meal at the Fox to celebrate.  What a wonderful weekend!  (Post to follow!)

I've visited gardens and nature reserves over the summer including the River Waveney Sculpture Trail at Earsham near Bungay, and Pensthorpe Nature Reserve near Fakenham.  Amanda and I went to Sheringham with Mum and Dad, we girls to visit a knitting exhibition and Dad to chaperone us!  I've been to Cromer, Hunstanton and Holt.

I've walked MILES!  Including the Bure Valley Way and some of the Marriotts Way.

Cousin Mary gave us a scare when she ended up in hospital in intensive care - attention seeker!  A few days after she came out of hospital, I went and collected her and we drove down to the south coast to spend a few hours at Sam and Simon's barbecue - and our collective minds were put to rest when we saw how well Mary looked.
Mary bought me some goodies to say "thank you" and I must admit to having one of these when I got back to Norfolk - what a drive!  But a fabulous day.

And Amanda and I popped down to Ipswich for a day to spot piggies - more to follow!  And I also spent a day with Mum and Dad, visiting North Elmham festival on the August bank holiday. 

And as for mundanities ...

 I've been collecting flower seeds and making up seed packets from my garden.

Finn and I have been taking shelter from the scorching hot summer we've had ...

And we've been enjoying some lovely cuddles too ...

It's been a time for hot air balloons - this one was spotted over our house one morning ...

And this one spotted over the UEA grounds while on an evening constitutional with Amanda and the dogs.

It really has been the most brilliant summer - I've enjoyed every minute.

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