Wednesday 21 September 2016


My gosh, I had so many presents for my birthday this year and I really didn't want to open them on my own - I thought that might be a bit sad.  So Amanda came and spent the afternoon with me and photographed me.  Now there are some quite dodgy photos of me on here, and if any photos haven't made it on here, it's because they were even dodgier!  I swear that every single present I opened was photographed but even I veto'ed some of the photos!  I have been thoroughly spoilt this year ..... it's official.
Very talented Elle made this beautiful garden ornament for me - so clever.
I tried to get a photo of all my presents prior to opening them, but there wasn't enough room on the table so I had to try and take a panoramic shot!  And of course, the centre piece is my fabulous cake made by the very talented Mo, who really needs to be doing this for a living!

Look at this little fella - he is lovely and Finn's new best friend.  This was from Claire, with whom I share a mutual love of sheds, so it is only right and fitting that Hootie sits on the windowsill in my shed, where he is safe from bonkers dogs!
And this is a hibiscus bluebird which was on my plant wish list from Tracy and Linda - beautiful pot too!
I had some help with my cards and presents!  Finn was most intrigued by the proceedings.
I had lots of 50 cards which confused me somewhat as I was only 47?
This beautiful fabric came all the way from Shiriin in Nepal, and I know exactly what I'm going to make with it, once I get some time.  Cannot wait!
Everything took ages because I had to stop and write down every present for thank you card purposes - and I've still not written them all as I had so many to post!
Belgian beer!  And proper beer glasses!  From Bev, Caroline and Carol.
This is beautiful - from Michele, Ian and Alicia - I do love some knitting related jewellery!
Oh, and this made me well up - stupid hormones!  So clever. 
Ooh, a Seasalt scarf from Sheila and Alan!
Clearly, people think I'm a lush!  Sloe gin from Emma and Joe.
This was just one of the bottles of fizz I received - I think, in all, there were about a dozen!

A lovely dragonfly necklace from Rat and Pam.
Soap!!!  I bloody love soap!  From Sandra and John.

And a lovely tealight holder for my garden and jewellery box from Danielle - clever girl!
More fizz!
And there's more!
And a beautiful hamper from the guys at work - fizz, candles, chocolates - what more could a girl want?

And a stunning floral arrangement made by Pam - she's another clever girl!
Ooh look, more fizz!
And some more!
A Venice card and photo frame from Mary and Jim - beautiful and I need to find a really good photo to do this justice.  (So perhaps not this one then!)

I had been looking at these at Bawdeswell garden centre so I was convinced that Ed and Chris had inside knowledge, but they insisted not.  I LOVE this and have since treated myself to a pennisetum at Beth Chatto's Gardens for this. 
And this was hysterical - I had only mentioned to Amanda four days previously that I was going to treat myself to one of these books - Dear Friend and Gardener, letters between Beth Chatto and Christopher Lloyd of Great Dixter.  Not only did I get the very same book, but books by both gardeners also - very sneaky!

And here's something else that I had on my wish list to treat myself - Amanda and Rachel have obviously been in league also.  I'm just THRILLED!

More lovely tealight holders and candles from Tracy and Wid.  So clever.

Ooooh, a Biba scarf - yessssss!  From Stephanie and I LOVE it.
I love L'Occitane - and I got some fab hand cream from Kerri and Jon - which will come in very handy after the self harming that goes on when I'm wrestling with rose bushes in the garden!
Wine and chocolates - these are all MINE!  From Michael, Emma, Holly and Florence.

So, there we go.  So many gifts, so many cards, so many emotions.  Just perfect. 

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