Monday 5 September 2016


When I look back on all these photos today, I wonder why I didn't have a party before now, if not for my birthday, then at least for a housewarming!  It was the most perfect day - I had visitors from as far afield as Manchester, Hastings, Portsmouth and Banstead in Surrey!  My house and garden didn't let me down at all and I wasn't as stressed as I thought I would be - mainly because everyone took over - thank you to Christine and Edward, Amanda and Shannon especially.  Just the most brilliant day, I couldn't have asked for a better one.   The photos can speak for themselves - but my abiding memories will be spending time with loved ones; laughing until I was crying; being overwhelmed (to the point where I actually took Finn out for a walk midway through proceedings to try and calm myself!); stargazing; my entire wood supply going onto the firepit!; drinking beech leaf noyau shots out of egg cups; laying awake for ages when I finally went to bed, desperately trying to remember everything.  A fabulous day, one to live in the memories for a long long time.

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