Saturday 22 October 2016

Hevingham Celebrations

As if I hadn't celebrated enough, I finished off the festivities with a camping weekend away at Hevingham, with a barbecue on the Friday night, a meal out on the Saturday night and then a day's fishing on the Sunday.  Just the most perfect weekend.

Andy and I got to site on Friday afternoon when we set up in an area given over to us by Sarah, the campsite owner.   We shared our spot - eventually! - with Ed, Chris and Tilly in their camper van, followed by Chris in his tent, and then Tracey and Justin, Jacob and Max in their caravan.  There was much wandering in and out of everyone's accommodation to check out the facilities, which was really funny!

On Friday evening, we were joined by Joe and Emma, and Simon for a barbecue - how very civilised. Chris arrived (having driven all the way from Manchester) at about midnight on the Friday night, which signalled us getting up from our beds and having another drink before retiring again for the night!  

On Saturday morning, we spent a few hours chilling out, having breakfast, sitting around and chatting, before Ed and Chris, Chris and I took Finn for a walk over Hevingham heath through the heather - Ed led us a merry dance around the footpaths and I know I'll never find the exact route again!
Not long after we arrived back at camp to see how Andy was getting on with his fishing, Tracey and Justin arrived, with Jacob and Max - and there then followed a spot of Prosecco quaffing while getting ready to meet everyone else at the Fox for dinner.
We were probably last to the Fox to meet everyone as we had an impromptu trip to Tescos for more beer for when we got back to the campsite later.  (A not very clever decision in the end as, while we were having a lovely meal at the Fox, Finn was having his own lovely meal, having escaped from his cage in the car to eat all our breakfast!) 
This photo is hysterical - with some camera trickery going on, Rat appears in this photo twice - hilarious!
I know that these indoor Fox photos are all a bit randomly placed, but that's because I "lifted" them from everyone's facebook photos and haven't managed to unravel the timings.  I don't care, we're random enough anyway, which sort of suits this!  A fabulous evening, lovely to share it with so many people.  Those of us staying at the campsite headed back afterwards for a candle lit evening drinking outside the Dennis caravan until we were all too pooped and headed off to bed.
Sunday morning saw us having a very leisurely breakfast as we were conscious that people would start departing at different times, depending on where they had to drive back to!  Because Tracey and Justin were staying for the day, we headed off for a walk over the heath, leaving Andy and Chris to have a proper catch up - we just don't see each other enough.
Ed and Chris had left by the time we got back, and Chris was just about to head off back to Leamington Spa also, so the rest of us had a few hours fishing by the lake to finish off the day.
Andy and I had to pack up at lunchtime as Andy had to drive back to Whitechapel for work, but I later heard that Jacob had caught more fish after we left, so Andy feels very proud at having been part of the mentoring/ teaching process!

What an absolutely brilliant blinking weekend - I absolutely loved it.   I have enjoyed this birthday much more than I was expecting to, but I think I'm going to leave the celebrating to this extent for a few years again now!

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