Monday 3 October 2016

Odds and Sods - September 2016

This year is going too quickly, and we're rushing headlong to the end of the year.  The days are much shorter already and we've even talked about whether we should put the heating on yet!  (In this photo, I don't have scabby legs, it's just that my leggings are rainsoaked!)

It's been quite a momentous month - Andy has moved in permanently, having secured a job in Norfolk finally.  It's taking some adjusting having someone here all the time, but, on the whole, I'm loving it.  If we can just get over the washing up arguments and me being not very sociable in the mornings, it will be perfect!  We've had some nice days out, antique fairing and car booting, and some lovely meals out.

I've had a few jaunts with Mum and Dad - all to be covered in different posts - to Saffron Walden in Essex, Lavenham in Suffolk, Beth Chatto's gardens and Holkham Hall. 

Sam and Simon came up for a week's holiday and we met up for a hilarious night out in Dereham.

I've started back at college, God help me!  I'm doing an RHS Horticultural course which will hopefully lead to a qualification and potentially a new career - eek!  

Amanda and I have done some more walking - we've finally completed the Bure Valley Way and Amanda is thrilled that she never needs to walk it again!
As for making stuff, I've finished two ponchos and started a 1940s vest and knickers set - I've been very busy!

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