Sunday 23 October 2016

River Waveney Sculpture Trail

On a roasting hot day in August, I took myself off across the border into Suffolk to visit the River Waveney Sculpture Trail.  Because I was off for quite a while - four weeks - this summer, I wanted to keep busy, but in a "gentle" way, so an art trail in the great outdoors seemed like a good idea.

I have to admit that I didn't really "understand" too many of the exhibits - my brain doesn't work like an artist, far too practical, but that didn't take away from the enjoyment of the exhibition. 

Some of the pieces made me laugh - like the giant crab, but then some pieces could just have been growing at the nature reserve anyway?  This tree was an art installation, but I'd never have known unless I looked at my catalogue - it was just a tree!

This wasn't an art installation - it was a view!  And rather a lovely one too.
I did really love this mirrored cube - it was fun! 
I loved this - a hammock under a tree made of cable ties - I had no idea they came in so many colours!
This piece of glass was probably my favourite - with the sun shining on it and the light coming through it, the colours were all reflected on the ground around it.  I would love something like this in my garden, although Finn would make this far too dangerous an endeavour!
These were basically saucers and I cannot remember what they signified now, but they had varying degrees of water in and I thought they were good bird baths - although I'm not sure that's what they were intended for!
And actually, this wasn't an art installation either - it was a pile of wood they'd put together for insects and creepy crawlies, but I thought it was rather beautiful.

No idea.  I think it was something to do with water and rubbish.  But I thought the blue was beautiful!
And this wasn't art either, it was some agricultural machinery!

A lovely day, much too hot for wandering around, but it was very shady in places which was lovely.  And I did really enjoy it, I just didn't understand most of it.  But I don't really think actually that matters very much.

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