Thursday 6 April 2017

Odds and Sods - March 2017

March has rushed by in a blur of sunny but cool days, longer lighter evenings with the promise of firepits to come, the garden bursting into life and a general feeling of rejuvenation.  I've started some gardening work which I'm very excited about - I found myself talking to a new client this week saying we need to get cracking, although she, having an 85 year old's wisdom, said that we've got all summer to go and it's only the beginning of April yet!  Rush rush rush.  I need to slow down more. 

Although that has happened anyway this week - Amanda and I (and Sid and Finn of course) had a fab week in Borth, just north of Aberystwyth in West Wales last week, but during which I sustained quite a spectacular injury, requiring a visit to A&E to get a head injury stitched up.  Much less worrying at the time was the possible damage done to my leg - I think adrenaline was getting me through - but that has become apparent this week which has necessitated a week off work with my feet up, getting thoroughly fed up and frustrated.  Hey ho.  It will mend. The incident didn't spoil the holiday at all - we had a fab time and posts will follow in due course ...

While waiting for the garden to burst into life, I've been doing a LOT of knitting recently, mainly commissions for people, and have been planning a schedule of what to make and when.  I seem to be having a lot of dreams - and I'm not joking! - about patchwork.  Last night I spent all night at the sewing machine I think as I was turning out quilt after quilt after quilt.  All beautiful but clearly the work of someone more proficient than me!
I've finally finished Amanda's Christmas poncho which we took on holiday with us - in fact, on the morning I was supposed to be packing, I was running around the house like a crazy person looking for Christmas wrapping paper!   It looks fab but sadly I didn't get a photo of Amanda wearing it yet.
 Finn has spent a lot of time swimming - not just in the sea in Wales - this was taken after one of our frequent local walks over the marshes - I love these curls!

And here's a shot of the garden perking up and looking colourful -not just down to the washing on the line!

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