Saturday 15 April 2017

Seeds and Stuff - March 2017

I love March and April in the garden when everything starts bursting into bud and it's beginning to warm up enough to sow the first lot of seeds.  I have sown quite a lot already, but have forgotten to take any photos!  Mostly flowering plants so far - the dahlias are coming along nicely and the scabious aren't doing too badly.   But the morning glory and kniphofia (red hot pokers) are being a bit slow - it has turned cooler though so I will keep an eye on them for now.  I'm taking advantage of the heated glasshouses at college to try some chilis this year - and have been taught how to sow seeds correctly.  How I've managed to grow anything before now is beyond me - my technique was all wrong!  We will see if it makes any difference.  (Very perturbed to note that Monty Don on Gardeners World also sows seeds the way I used to - so he's wrong too.  My life has turned upside down!)

Back in November, on what would have been Auntie Joyce's 91st birthday, I planted some Iris reticulata 'Joyce' in her memory and they have performed beautifully this year.

I am thrilled with them, totally beautiful.

Andy has been busy in the garden also - hoping to encourage more wildlife to my garden this year, particularly birds to deal with our slug problem!   He spent a morning busily engaged in whittling out a log and has turned it into a nesting box which we're watching diligently to see if it's being used.  Nothing seen yet, but I've heard it takes a while for birds to realise it's there, so perhaps it'll reap rewards in a couple of years' time.
I wish I had taken a photo of something with it, to give a reference as to how big it is - it's enormous, a veritable bird penthouse! 

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