Saturday 17 June 2017

Duxford - 'Planes and Quilts

Back in March, Mum and I had a jolly to Duxford Air Museum - not for the 'planes, although we got to see those anyway, but for the quilting show.  We had been to Springfields quilting show last year but that one was enormous and Duxford was a bit smaller, and more manageable, or so we thought! 

Duxford Museum houses a huge number of 'planes - and we got to see them as part of our admission fee for the quilting show - ie, much cheaper than if we'd just gone for the 'planes.  There did seem to be quite a few men around so perhaps they'd latched on to this also and saved themselves some money by accompanying their ladies!
I got very reminiscent for Concorde.  When Andy and I lived at Colnbrook at Heathrow, our little flat was right under Concorde's flight path. She flew over every evening at about seven o'clock and we always knew she was approaching as all the car alarms in the vicinity would go off and we'd have to hold down our possessions in the flat!  Lovely memories seeing this lady.

But that wasn't the reason we were here.  We were here for stitchy stuff and we weren't disappointed - Mum and I both bought some charm packs - all pre cut squares so hopefully will make life very easy when we get going with the quilting.  We bought some lovely fabrics and spent lots of time ooh'ing and aah'ing over the finished quilts on display.  There really are some very talented people about.
David and Buddha were extraordinary - both made up of just one inch squares - just stunning.
This was clever - it was the same pattern on both sides, but black thread on white fabric and white thread on black fabric which made it look almost silver.  Very very clever.
Now this quilt - and the ones that follow - are amazing - they look like they've been painted.  Just the use of a different colour thread can make all the difference, they are just beautiful.
I love the ferny quilting!
It's certainly inspired me and I'm now on the home straight with the quilt I've been making with all Nan's old dresses and nighties - it's only been twenty-nine years in the making so far but we're almost at the finish line!  Post to follow .....

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