Sunday 5 November 2017

Dorset Walk

Andy had an appointment he could not get out of on the last day of our holiday, so left a day early, leaving me and Finn to enjoy a chilled out day at the lake.  Deb had lots of chores to carry out that day but came and found me to say she'd be taking Jess and Fat Al for a walk later if Finn and I would like to join them.  Well, of course!
The walk went practically from the farm gate and the bonus for the dogs was a swim when we got to the ford - it was such a hot day and Finn had already had a couple of swims in the lake, but I love any opportunity to get him out on a proper walk, especially one where he socialises with other dogs.
Finn was totally spoilt with love and adventures on this holiday - I do so love seeing him being a proper dog and not just my baby.
And the bonus is always that he's tired at the end of a walk and leaves me alone for the rest of the day!

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