Thursday 16 November 2017

Odds and Sods - October 2017

October was a very busy month, including trips to Sussex for a wedding and a holiday in Northumberland.

College has been pretty full on with my Tuesday evenings and all day on Wednesdays but I'm learning loads and buzzing about how I'm going to use it in the future.  We do things on an industrial level including planting up of cuttings, sowing of seeds and potting on of seedlings.  I will be an expert soon!

On the domestic front, Finn has been very clingy - we've had Diwali, Halloween and Bonfire Night with all the firework displays associated with these dates, and so Finn has been on a mild sedative for a few weeks.  We've had lots of cuddles and trying to get into small spaces and refusing to go outside in the evening for a wee - it's been exhausting, but I'm hoping we will have a few quieter weeks until the fireworks all start up again for New Year.
It's heartbreaking to see him so distressed, but, on the plus side, I do love the cuddles!

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