Sunday 25 March 2018


In our quest to discover new places, instead of driving up the A1 to reach everywhere along the coast, we actually took the smaller coastal roads, which is why we ended up finding some new little gems which certainly require more exploration when we next go to Northumberland, as I'm sure we will.

Newbiggin was a quaint little town although we missed the town entirely - despite having researched a wool shop in the town!  We headed straight out to the seafront car park but Amanda elected to stay in the car with Sid and Finn while I popped out for a wander, in search of photos and postcards.   Success on both counts!

For such a small place, they have a wonderful tourist information centre/ museum/ tea rooms on the front which reminded me very much of both the Rocket House in Cromer and the Mo in Sheringham.  From here, you could see one of the strangest sculptures I've ever seen - Couple.  They were enormous and pretty scary if you ask me!
That's not to say I didn't love them, because I sort of did!   They really are quite surreal.
Four days in Northumberland is not enough and I'm looking forward to exploring more of this place (and quite likely the wool shop!) in more detail when we're next back.

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